Saturday, March 19, 2016

A short annoucnement: About NaNoWriMo 2015

I want to take an opportunity to say something that goes with both my love of robots and my love of writing.
Last November I participated in National Novel Writing Month. The last two years I’ve thought about it but never started. Since 2015 was the year I got fully into a writing career, I celebrated my decision by allowing myself to be a part of the NaNoWriMo event.
Can you guess why I’d be sharing this piece of information here?
I am not really a person that likes to brag about my accomplishments. I don’t like getting much attention, but I still like to share some things such as what I thought about this or that. But this experience about NaNoWriMo was very special to me. Particularly because of the subject matter I was dealing with during the writing process. I am proud of myself for having an outline (if not following it for the last third of the time), for being consistent with my daily word count, and not giving up.
When I was approaching 40,000 words as soon as I was, I increased my word count goal to 80,000.
I wrote 80,300+ words toward the first draft of the project.
Now, back to why I am sharing that I participated in NaNoWriMo.
If you guessed I wrote the first draft of a novel, you are right so far. (Easy guess!)
If you guessed that my novel has to do with robots, you are also right. (I guess I gave that bit away earlier.)
If you guessed that the robots are humanoid robots, you are even righter (ah ha hah, I know there isn‘t such a word, but I felt giddy that moment, so humor me J)!
During the NaNoWriMo draft I focused on some character development and scenes. I hardly did anything for setting and descriptions, except that it takes place in the future where having a humanoid robot house companion is affordable for a lot of people.
I want to say more about it, but I prohibit myself from sharing any more concrete details until a draft is ready for beta readers. That may not be until the end of summer or fall 2016. I’ll see.
NOTE: This post is rather late in being released. But I still wanted to share it.