Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I got my new blog up and running now. I would call it a sister blog to Cybernetic Dreams, too.  Now I can finally tell you what it’s called: I've titled it The Frowning Robot. 

I am so glad I started it because it may be a useful tool in inspiring me to look up, watch, or read about robot-related things more often than I do now.  More than ever before, I want to blog about my fascination and enthusiasm for robots, androids and cyborgs. Seeing CHAPPiE sort of motivated me to get right to it.  Plus because I threw out some dead weight career-wise, leaving my mismatched healthcare industry profession, I have the time and inclination to do more robot-related writing.

I wanted to keep the new blog more focused on real-world robotics, but it’s Tumblr…I’m going  to have fun with it and post/reblog screenshots, fan art and GIFs of robots, androids and cyborgs that are found in movies, animated TV shows, video games, or from my favorite comic book Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye. Some robot shows I haven’t even seen before, from the early 90s, are showing up on my dashboard and I can’t help but want to reblog them because it makes me smile!
Otherwise, I do want to post or reblog about the occasional real-world robotics, such as the Nao from Aldebaran Robotics, and the ASIMO humanoid robot from Honda.

A few of the blogs I follow there:


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